Minutes of the May 5, 2016 Meeting of the Liberty Square Homeowners Association

Meeting Time:  19:00


Liberty Square Board of Directors:  Tony Weatherington, Carl Sulzer

Property Manager:  Chardon Wyatt

Homeowners & Residents:  Dennis & Suzanne Willis, Dave Gamble, Mike Loy, Lisa Slaten, Bill Jury & Randy Chancey, Dan & Eileen Regelski, Chad & Beth Whiteside, Robert F Smith Jr., Katie Garcia, Sandy & Karlene Hinton



The meeting was called to order at 19:07

Neighborhood Update

A brief neighborhood update was given on the currents status of the neighborhood and recent activities being undertaken on behalf of the residents


  • The operating account currently has a balance of approximately $34,000, and the reserve account has a balance of $25,500. The operating account had a huge boost last month from second quarter dues, which is why the amount is so much higher than at the March meeting.


  • The pool will be opening on May 14th. Tiles have again been replaced around the top edges of the pool and all seems to be in good working order at the moment.
    • A new resident, Katie Boschert, has volunteered to organize a small event for pool opening day. From about 11:30-1, there will be snacks and small activities by the pool.  More information will be sent about this next week and posted to the bulletin board. Thanks to Katie and Beth for volunteering to organize social events for the community.
    • Another new resident, Beth Whiteside has volunteered to help with planning any neighborhood events as well
    • Umbrellas will be provided at the pool this year. Residents are asked to please put the umbrellas down when leaving the pool, as wind is the number one destroyer of umbrellas and the reason they do not usually last more than a year.
    • Pool keys are to be handed out after the meeting as well as on May 9th and 14th. Notices have been sent to residents with dates and times for the distribution.  Residents must exchange last year’s key for a new key or pay $10 for a new key with a check only.
  • A vendor has been selected to trim up the trees on the roadside. 171 trees will be trimmed up so that delivery vans and school buses no longer hit them and people aren’t smacked in the face while walking.
    • A resident asked about having nuisance trees removed from the street by the HOA. Following last year’s tree removal activities, the community spoke up quite loudly about their want to retain as many trees as possible, and even voted to allow the city to make the call for tree removal.  Therefore, residents wishing to have trees removed on the street side of the sidewalk should contact the city of Acworth to petition for their removal.
  • A neighborhood yard sale will be held on May 14th from 8AM-5PM. Anyone wishing to participate should let Bill Jury know that they are going to have items for sale and he will make sure there are arrows pointing to the individual houses.  Bill and Randy have a huge sign indicating “Neighborhood Yard Sale” that they will be putting up at the entryway.  Thanks to Bill and Randy for arranging this.
  • The entry monument has been repainted, and repairs are underway at the playground.

Open Discussion

The floor was opened for discussion regarding any topics

  • Sandy Hinton is moving away from the neighborhood and Bill Jury will now chair the Architectural Review Committee.
    • The committee has only three members after Sandy leaves, so additional volunteers are needed to the group is at least 5 people.
      • Mike Loy and Lisa Slaten volunteered to join the committee
    • A resident commented on cars parking illegally outside of marked spaces on the street. Many of the street markings are faded and Team Management will contact the City of Acworth to request re-striping of the markings.
    • A discussion was held on the merits of sending out violation letters for visible trash cans. The point of these letters is generally to ensure that trash cans are not left in the street and alleys after trash day, but are wheeled up closer to the homes.
    • A question was asked about the number of yard sales each year – generally it is done once a year but can be done more often if there is interest.
    • A resident mentioned the homeless camp near the I-75 Southbound exit ramp, saying residents of the camp have been seen rifling through trash in the neighborhood.
      • The association discussed this issue at the last meeting, and we do not have much legal recourse. The owner of the property must file trespassing charges against them for living on the land
      • Residents were advised to continue calling Bartow County code enforcement to make formal complaints and see if they would once again send police out to the area
        • Bartow County Code Enforcement
        • Deputy James Lowry
        • 770-383-7405


The meeting was ended at 19:45.